The Germania Companies
We change and adapt to meet the needs of our community. As read in our history, Germania originally began as an association that provided protection for farms but through the years we’ve expanded into multiple companies that provide all sorts of coverage and services for Texans.
Germania companies include:
Germania Farm Mutual Insurance Association (GFMIA) Organized in 1896, this farm mutual insurance company is what started it all.
Germania Insurance Company (GIC)
Germania Fire & Casualty Company (GF&C)
Germania Life Insurance Company (GLIC)
Texas Heritage Insurance Company (THIC)
Learn more about all Germania’s companies and how they serve their Texas communities below.
Germania Farm Mutual Insurance Association (GFMIA): Organized in 1896, the GFMIA is a farm mutual insurance company operating under Chapter 911 of the Texas Insurance Code. GFMIA provides property insurance for dwellings, churches and organizational property. Germania Farm Mutual Insurance Association is the parent company of the subsidiary Germania companies. The President/CEO, Secretary-Treasurer/CFO and the directors from all the districts constitute the Board of Directors.
Germania Insurance Company (GIC), Germania Fire & Casualty Company (GF&C) and Germania Select Insurance Company (GSIC): These wholly owned subsidiaries of Germania Farm Mutual were created to provide members with auto, casualty, boat and property coverage. GIC was organized in 1978 and is a “standard” company. GF&C was formed in 1984, and GSIC was organized in 2002; both are considered “preferred” auto companies.
Germania General Agency (GGA): A wholly owned subsidiary of Germania Select Insurance Company (GSIC) and was formed to provide products for members that Germania Farm Mutual and its subsidiary companies do not offer. GGA began in 1980 under the name Bluebonnet General Agency and was a wholly owned subsidiary of Germania Insurance Company (GIC). In August, 1999 the name was changed to Germania General Agency. On July 1, 2008 Germania Select Insurance Company became the sole shareholder of GGA.
Germania Life Insurance Company (GLIC): Another wholly owned subsidiary, was organized in 1983 to provide life insurance products to members and policyholders. Germania Life is a stock company regulated by the Texas Department of Insurance.